Delivery #15
An hour later after Nigel said hello to the world.. I delivered Nalani. I had moved the first mom off the bed and hadn’t even been able to fully clean it when they put another mom on the bed.. I told them that they needed to wait until I was fully finished and cleaned everything off before they put another mom there..the hospital staff nodded and agreed with me but never took the time to clean off the bed..i didn’t have time to get frustrated or clean off the bed bc the head was coming and the next mom was delivering..the baby was still wrapped in the membranes but came out successfully and beautifully at 11:40am. I got the name Nalani for her which means from heaven!
Nalani’s verse… “You shall guide me with your counsel and after receive me to your glory.” Psalm 73:24
Delivery #16
Today I had an 18 year old Primi (first child). She had been fully dilated for 2 hours so they gave her oxytocin through a drip to speed up contractions which worked quite well. I had around 10 people watching this delivery since it had been slow all morning in the labour room. It was a textbook delivery (perfect) and a baby boy. He seemed to be in a good mood the entire time which I was happy about. 5 minutes after she delivered the placenta, she got up..cleaned up her stuff and was ready to go.. I had to race after her to get a picture with her and the baby before she drove off! I got the name Jason for the baby boy which means the healing one.
Jason’s verse… “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me, to preach