Perth. the other side of the world. the other side of the equator. a smaller, more quiet city than the one i come from. beautiful sunsets, but broken and lost people that walk its streets.
Now that i have been living here 3 weeks, i am beginning to get settled in and experiencing life in a completely new way. Completely uncertain of the future and yet hopeful for where it will take me.
God. My Father. Jesus Christ. His Passion. His love. all of which i am experiencing day in and day out. Its Him and me. I believe being here is another stepping stone in what His plans are for me.
My favorite time of each week is evangelism even though i have only done it once so far. We (as in 250 people who live on the YWAM base) go out into the streets of Perth and talk to people about Jesus Christ and pray with them. I was reading about Islam this past week and that whole religion and where its headed in the world today. scary stuff. and on Saturday i was walking through the city enjoying the day off, when my friend Sophie and I stumbled upon this booth selling Islam material which i found extremely fascinating and stopped to look at what the guy was selling. I asked him what He believed and i had to re-iterate the question before he answered that he was a Muslim. Well, we had a small discussion about Christianity and Jesus as well as Islam. I quite enjoyed his curiosity on the trinity and how Jesus is God. I enjoyed it because for one, I am in a country where i can talk about Jesus with Him and second, it furthers my curiosity on knowing more about how i know what i know and to go back to him with clear evidence as well as pray for Him. His name is Muhammed and he is in my prayers and i hope to see him this saturday with some clear evidence of who God is.
Well, it has been an eventful few months full of new places and new faces. From San Diego, to Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Sydney and now Perth, i am living day to day, expectant of what each day God has for me and praying for joy so i can encourage those put in my life as each day comes!
I love your desire to know Him more and to deeply understand His heart for others! Excited to keep up on your blog!