celia, me and chantal on the way to the village! completely unrelated to the story below...
During my first week I was waiting at the hospital for a mother to do a checkup on but no women were coming or were in labour… so I sat and waited and waited and waited.. a few hours later a woman came on the back of a bike who was about to deliver..and I had the opportunity to deliver her baby.. I was really excited as I get on all deliveries.. but excited just by the fact that we sit there and wait for hours and hours for women to come who are about to pop and its one opportunity a week to get a woman and baby who need you..they come to us with their need and we are able to help deliver their baby to the best of our ability..
Helped her to the delivery room and did all the proper preparations..did a VE and felt that she had a swollen cervix so I pushed it back during contractions…but she was still taking awhile to push the baby out..she was exhausted and realized once the head came out that the swollen cervix and the chord around the baby’s neck was making it more difficult for the head to descend.
But the baby came out slowly but surely.. it was a baby girl and Bek and I got the name ‘Marta’ for her..which means compassionate spirit and prayed over her 1 Corinthians 13:13 “but now these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.”
Nice picture. Did you finally find a way to get internet?