time flies when your loving life.. and yes i am loving being here in perth.. it has been a refreshing season of being back. new and old faces, getting out on the streets and telling peeps about Jesus, living in community, being invested in through
time and prayer.. so good..
i have been here now for 2 months and have been able to be apart of many different things here in Perth. My main job is being apart of Megacities doing data entry for the teams that are in London and writing up their reports.. reading testimonies and getting to hear firsthand what’s happening over there. we have also had testimonies of people coming to know Jesus here in Perth as well! it’s exciting to be apart of. Saturday we took part in the World Outreach Day and 2 people accepted Christ... wow! stepping out in boldness and obedience can change our own lives as well as others!
One girl here on the base shared how she was always told that everyone has heard the gospel in countries like Australia.. and then she met a group of guys on the street that had no idea about who this Jesus was .. she was like, “it’s not true! there are people out there that have no idea who God is and they really want to know about Him!” Really good to be apart of evangelism weekly and see people transformed including ourselves.
So... incase you were wondering, here is a schedule of what a typical mon-fri day looks like for me:
8am-morning chores
830am-intercession (prayer for people around the world)
930am-data entry in open offices with Megacities ministry
130p-back to Megacities office
chill nights (except wed-fri. wed-work cafe. thurs-evangelism.
fri-friday night meeting)
There is about 300 staff and students, so we are one big happy family.. really.. we are..
London Trip~
this week i have been praying about doing a vision/ministry trip to London for 4 weeks at the end of July (July 20th to August 20th). I will be going with 4 other girls from the base here. The focus of the trip is advocating against human trafficking and prostitution, especially since it will be on the rise during the Olympics. We will be teaching on the issues of human slavery and prostitution, leading the church to reach out to the women in their Burroughs during the Olympics.
i am stoked about this new opportunity... God says go and i say i am willing to be sent! the cost of the trip is $3000. If you would like to be apart of giving towards this trip... you can go to...
or you can send a check to my home address and it will be put into my account by my lovely mum - Kim Cates. 14095 Proctor Valley Rd. Jamul. Ca 91935 USA
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