Saturday, December 15, 2012

just tearing down porn

i had a blissful night of prayer walking on sketch alley.. literally.. we walked past a fight.. prostitutes.. and it has a reputation for being the place where if people had a choice, they wouldn't be living there. it was great! the area we were in is called South hall which is 2 hours west of where i am located at the moment on public transport.

i was working with Katherine who is just starting to go out on the streets after 6 months of gathering information on the area. the wealth of information she has gathered is grand. she has collected info. from being apart of the night shelter.. listening to the homeless tell her about what goes on there and teaching English to the Muslim women who tell her all about their rigid, controlling, forced marriages where women can easily be abused.. we knew what was up in the place and were finally able to take it to the streets.. walk around.. map it out.. prayer walk.. and who knows what else will unfold in the upcoming weeks. excited to see. will be going again monday and wednesday night!

the next day i had some time to kill at Paddington station, so i decided to walk around the area.. as i was doing so i was feeling discouraged and was heavily burdened by the need in the city and letting it get to me because the need is so great. i saw an old woman sitting near a bus stop and she seemed extremely poor. i asked if she was alright and if she needed any help, but she didn't speak a word of English and soon found out she was from Warsawa.. which i understood quite clearly through her accent was Poland. she kept gesturing to me that she needed water and i pulled out a water bottle from my pocket that i had.. she was soo thankful and grateful. i asked if i could pray with her and she said yes.. even though she wouldn't understand anything i said.. i prayed a blessing over her and after i was done she was so grateful.. and kept pointing and touching my scarf and pointing to her head.. uh oh,, now its getting uncomfortable.. she wants my scarf.. my scarf from Bangladesh.. my precious scarf that has such a rich green colour and i knew exactly why she was drawn to it, bc its beautiful green that you can only find in countries that appreciate rich colours. The Lord told me to give it to her.. so i did.. and she was sooo thankful and kissed my hand..

after i walked away from her, i felt the heaviness i was feeling lift off of me and God was telling me through that to not take on the negative spirit in the city.. and God's spirit washed over me.. His gentleness and kindness and sweet spirit. i was walking back to the station when i passed a phone booth that had porn all over the inside with phone numbers attached to get their services.. i stopped in my tracks, turned around opened the phone booth door and ripped off all the cards that lined the booth.. i went into 2 other phone booths and did the same thing.. i chucked them all in the trash.. and left that station feeling victorious.. that the inner battle i was facing.. i looked at it straight in the face and said get out of my way.. God has work to do in this place through me and im not gonna back down.. ha!

if you could keep me in your prayers.. that would be grand!

prayers and needs-
-i need to be out of the place im staying in at the moment by Christmas. i know God has something lined up.. just not sure yet!
-monthly financial support-
$10 will pay for cards to send to family and supporters
$40 will pay for my weekly groceries
$60 will pay for my weekly transportation
$100 will buy me a warm coat/jacket to do night ministry in
$100 will buy me warm shoes to do night ministry in
$50 will pay for ministry costs (tea&coffee for girls, supplies.. etc.)
$650 will pay for my monthly rent
$90 will pay for utility costs

total being $1,100

if you feel led to fuel this ministry financially, that would be encouraging to have you be apart of what He is doing here in London! the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few! the workers need your help! jus sayin ;)

blessings.. blessings.. blessings.. to God be the glory forever and ever

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