Sunday, March 31, 2013
day 14
"Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. i died, and behold i am alive forevermore, and i have the keys of Death and Hades." Revelation 1:17-18
Saturday, March 30, 2013
day 13
i have been incredibly blessed this week. in the most random ways.
being able to see old friends is always a blessing for me. each and every person that i see again on my different walks of life is always a blessing to catch up with again and see how they are doing.. what they are doing.. and being able to encourage one another on a deeper level than someone you have just met.. we have been through stuff together.. we know what the other one struggles with and instead affirming what we have always seen in them.. the goodness.. the gifts.. the love.. that they individually are equipped and given to give others daily.
there is something so incredibly healing to look into an old friends eyes.. and see the care and love they have for you.. just because you are you.
IDENTITY. it all comes back to walking out who we have been made to be. and being encouraged by others to do that exact thing.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
day 12
would you consider COMMITTING to partner with me?
would you consider praying for me?
would you consider sending me?
would you consider financially supporting me?
it would make what i do POSSIBLE.. changing the nations together? i think YES!
would you consider praying for me?
would you consider sending me?
would you consider financially supporting me?
it would make what i do POSSIBLE.. changing the nations together? i think YES!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
day 11
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
day 10
God's vision. God's heart.
Months ago i had a vague idea of what I was doing in London.. with no place to live.. not a lot of money.. not really knowing anybody.. and a holiday visa..
i took a step of faith and went to London. and boy was it a step of faith. one of which i had seen very few people do in my life.. and personally those people challenged me.. they had a sparkle in their eye.. i have always been drawn to those people.. what is that that they have? that deepness in their soul? that life giving loving nature? them looking at every single moment as an opportunity to see God move.. everything is another page written in the book.. each day is LIFE to the full.. i kinda really badly want that too.. i knew it would be challenging to get... but so rewarding once i did.
along the way..
i have moved 4 times.. from staying in a bedroom, to staying in a living room, to sharing a bed with a sweet girl i had only known a week!
i feel like i have been to probably every crack and cranny in London and know it better than the locals!
i have witnessed to construction workers because they were curious as to why i was tearing down all the porn.. ive talked to numerous homeless people and seen the appreciation in their eyes because someone took the time to listen.. love.. care..
ive hugged strangers in the streets.. i drank lots of coffee..i caught up with old friends..i made new ones.. i lived with a buddhist that i took to church for the first time and she cried during the worship.. i lived on the river.. i lived in the ghetto.. i volunteered at a cafe.. i would stay up all night to worship with others in the middle of the city.. i handed out coffee in the red light district of London.. i drank more coffee.. i saw other peoples heart for the city.. i saw more of God's heart for the lost.. i took trains and buses almost everyday.. i walked a lot.. i almost froze some nights.. i met strangers over and over again.. i prayer walked with others.. i saw prostitutes.. i prayed for them.. i encouraged other missionaries.. i worked with other missionaries.. i was encouraged..invested and loved into by people i only knew for a short time.. i prayed in the 24-7 prayer room for hours and hours.. i listened to God's voice. i sought His face and His alone..
After being there 3 months, God spoke to go back and continue volunteering and serving and loving. this area is known its mixed cultures and up and coming street trends and melting pot artsy vibes.
After a month into me being in London, i went to meet with one of the Pastors from the church i go to in London, and we met in this cute cafe called Kahaila. so in a way, i stumbled upon this Christian Church cafe that reaches out to so many just by being a presence of Christ in this dark area. 20,000 visitors come to Brick Lane to visit every Sunday. i fell in love with the idea of what they are doing and the success rate they have with reaching out to the community in such a tangible and attractive way..
The crew that i will be working with not only is the church that started the cafe, but also a few YWAMers that work there as well. at the moment it is most definitely a pioneering crew open to see where God directs us and i can already see His hand on it all!
i will once again be a full time volunteer for the Lord and will be needing $2500 a month.. London is quite an expensive city to live in.. excited to see how He is going to orchestrate it all!
day 9
i kinda missed a full on week so i have been playing catch up! which i have kinda enjoyed...
sooooo in order to go back to London i am going to need monthly committers! would you want to commit to this? what would you be committing to?
why am i going to Brick Lane, East London?
-firstly, God called me there
-it has a heavy Muslim community..with no Christian influence we have seen except the presence of the cafe i will be working in.
-instead of going to church on Sunday, i will be on Brick Lane which attracts 20,000 people each Sunday..i'll be going to the people instead of us expecting the people to come to us.. we will be loving on the people of Brick Lane.
-no other Christian influence in this area
-its hard to stay in London as an American so i can get my visa through YWAM and work with a small team that is being established on the east end.
-establishing community
-working with prostitutes and those possibly involved in human trafficking
-working in a strong community that believe God is essential for this diverse culture and society on the east end.
-a melting pot of cultures are all in this one place, making it rich, diverse and beautiful to be apart of.
-being able to firsthand be an example of Jesus to this community.
would you like to help? would you like to join me? i know i would love it!
sooooo in order to go back to London i am going to need monthly committers! would you want to commit to this? what would you be committing to?
why am i going to Brick Lane, East London?
-firstly, God called me there
-it has a heavy Muslim community..with no Christian influence we have seen except the presence of the cafe i will be working in.
-instead of going to church on Sunday, i will be on Brick Lane which attracts 20,000 people each Sunday..i'll be going to the people instead of us expecting the people to come to us.. we will be loving on the people of Brick Lane.
-no other Christian influence in this area
-its hard to stay in London as an American so i can get my visa through YWAM and work with a small team that is being established on the east end.
-establishing community
-working with prostitutes and those possibly involved in human trafficking
-working in a strong community that believe God is essential for this diverse culture and society on the east end.
-a melting pot of cultures are all in this one place, making it rich, diverse and beautiful to be apart of.
-being able to firsthand be an example of Jesus to this community.
would you like to help? would you like to join me? i know i would love it!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
day 8

God calls us to be like a city on a hill, shining bright for everyone to see and be drawn too.
London is a dark place... Jesus comes in the opposite spirit and comes as a bright light. He is the ONLY light, He is the ONLY real joy, He is the ONLY truth.. i was there for 3 months and saw how dark this place really is. i need your encouragement! i need your generosity to keep going and going! i know for a fact, i cannot do this alone.. none of us were made to do it alone. i need you. would you like to join me? i know i would love it.. i know God would love it! :)
the sooner i have my monthly support.. the sooner i can go! do you like to give to me? want to make a monthly commitment? if so, i can send you the details..
i will be needing $2500 committed per month (it is a very expensive city to live and survive in and yet God has called me there.. His plans are great and so good)
all things are possible with God! blessings!
day 7
the reality is that, whether we acknowledge our wealth or not, being rich is a serious disadvantage spiritually. As William Wilberforce once said, "prosperity hardens the heart."
When talking to a wealthy person who wanted to go to heaven (and doesn't that describe most of us?), Jesus said, "'sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.' When he (the rich man) heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, 'How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God'" (Luke 18:22-24). He says it's as hard as a camel to go through the eye of a needle-in other words, impossible. But then Jesus offers hopeful words: "What is impossible with man is possible with God" (v.27).
In the very next chapter, as Jesus enters Jericho, we see exactly how the impossible becomes possible with God. There, the wealthy tax collector Zacchaeus gives half of his money to the poor and pays everyone back four times what he has defrauded them. And Jesus declares, "Today salvation has come to this house" (Luke 19:9).
The impossible happened that day- a rich man received salvation!
(excerpt from the book CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan)
When talking to a wealthy person who wanted to go to heaven (and doesn't that describe most of us?), Jesus said, "'sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.' When he (the rich man) heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, 'How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God'" (Luke 18:22-24). He says it's as hard as a camel to go through the eye of a needle-in other words, impossible. But then Jesus offers hopeful words: "What is impossible with man is possible with God" (v.27).
In the very next chapter, as Jesus enters Jericho, we see exactly how the impossible becomes possible with God. There, the wealthy tax collector Zacchaeus gives half of his money to the poor and pays everyone back four times what he has defrauded them. And Jesus declares, "Today salvation has come to this house" (Luke 19:9).
The impossible happened that day- a rich man received salvation!
(excerpt from the book CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan)
day 6
a few gems of wisdom and nuggets from God today.
God took his people out of Egypt and out of slavery.. He did miracle after miracle for them.. He is a God of justice.. He is a God of freedom.. He turned water into wine.. He killed those that persecuted them.. He parted the sea.. He protected. He loved..
and yet.. they complained.. and yet.. they said.. ugh we are sick of wandering around in this desert.. give us a break! just take us back to Egypt.. that is what we knew.. that is what we were familiar with..
If only you knew! my people.. my beloved! i have so much ahead for you! i have so much i want to bless you with.. equip you with.. impart to you.. but you need to do this for me and for yourselves… you need to build your puny little muscles so when more trials and tribulations come you are ready! i know its heavy… i know it seems like too much for you to bear and you can’t see the end.. but it is coming.. persevere and you will see the end! rejoice in these momentary trials! you know where you come from and you know where your going! you will be ready to slay the dragon and your identity and faith will be firm in Me.. the only solid foundation.. the only true source! keep going my beloved.
God took his people out of Egypt and out of slavery.. He did miracle after miracle for them.. He is a God of justice.. He is a God of freedom.. He turned water into wine.. He killed those that persecuted them.. He parted the sea.. He protected. He loved..
and yet.. they complained.. and yet.. they said.. ugh we are sick of wandering around in this desert.. give us a break! just take us back to Egypt.. that is what we knew.. that is what we were familiar with..
If only you knew! my people.. my beloved! i have so much ahead for you! i have so much i want to bless you with.. equip you with.. impart to you.. but you need to do this for me and for yourselves… you need to build your puny little muscles so when more trials and tribulations come you are ready! i know its heavy… i know it seems like too much for you to bear and you can’t see the end.. but it is coming.. persevere and you will see the end! rejoice in these momentary trials! you know where you come from and you know where your going! you will be ready to slay the dragon and your identity and faith will be firm in Me.. the only solid foundation.. the only true source! keep going my beloved.
Monday, March 18, 2013
day 5
When i return to London, I'll be doing ministry on Brick Lane in East London at a cafe church called Kahaila which has been opened for 9 months now.
Though, the vision started almost 5 years ago when Paul, Kahaila's Pastor came down to Brick Lane one Sunday morning and was amazed by what He saw. There is about 20,000 people that visit the area every Sunday because of the different markets. As he was walking up and down the street, he saw Muslims evangelizing and he saw people doing Tarot card readings. What really struck him was there was no Christian witness there, because as we all know on a Sunday morning, all Christians are in church.. He asked himself 'what would it look like to do church in a place like this.. the vast number of people that hang out on Brick Lane are in their 20's and 30's.. which is the dying generation of the church, which are the key people we need to be reaching out to. and he thought where are these people doing community.. then they thought cafe..when they want to share their lives together they hang out at cafe's. so they thought what if we planted a church in the form of a cafe on Brick Lane, a place where the community would happen and take place and at the center of the community there is this faith community that is building relationships alongside these people building community together and in that creating opportunities not just to share the gospel but to be the gospel to these people.
Pastor Paul then decided to leave the church he was working at and step out in faith to start this project of a cafe church which would require all of his time and energy. he went out on a limb and after 2 years of looking at different properties, they were finally able to get a property on Brick Lane and have had the cafe established and running since June. the people that come love to come in the cafe and have a place where they sense the love and community we all want to create. The point is to not only create a cafe but a place where people know what we stand for and what we are doing there, creating opportunities to listen to people and as we listen we build opportunities to build relationships with these people.
doing what we have always been told to do.. getting out of the church and getting into the community where the people are at.. instead of expecting them to come in to where were at.
Going to the LOST has always been my HEART and has always been my INTENTION...
When i return to London, I'll be doing ministry on Brick Lane in East London at a cafe church called Kahaila which has been opened for 9 months now.
Though, the vision started almost 5 years ago when Paul, Kahaila's Pastor came down to Brick Lane one Sunday morning and was amazed by what He saw. There is about 20,000 people that visit the area every Sunday because of the different markets. As he was walking up and down the street, he saw Muslims evangelizing and he saw people doing Tarot card readings. What really struck him was there was no Christian witness there, because as we all know on a Sunday morning, all Christians are in church.. He asked himself 'what would it look like to do church in a place like this.. the vast number of people that hang out on Brick Lane are in their 20's and 30's.. which is the dying generation of the church, which are the key people we need to be reaching out to. and he thought where are these people doing community.. then they thought cafe..when they want to share their lives together they hang out at cafe's. so they thought what if we planted a church in the form of a cafe on Brick Lane, a place where the community would happen and take place and at the center of the community there is this faith community that is building relationships alongside these people building community together and in that creating opportunities not just to share the gospel but to be the gospel to these people.
Pastor Paul then decided to leave the church he was working at and step out in faith to start this project of a cafe church which would require all of his time and energy. he went out on a limb and after 2 years of looking at different properties, they were finally able to get a property on Brick Lane and have had the cafe established and running since June. the people that come love to come in the cafe and have a place where they sense the love and community we all want to create. The point is to not only create a cafe but a place where people know what we stand for and what we are doing there, creating opportunities to listen to people and as we listen we build opportunities to build relationships with these people.
doing what we have always been told to do.. getting out of the church and getting into the community where the people are at.. instead of expecting them to come in to where were at.
Going to the LOST has always been my HEART and has always been my INTENTION...
Monday, March 11, 2013
day 4
going and going and going
like the energizer bunny it is so crucial to keep going. keep looking forward. keep hoping. keep dreaming. keep working. keep resting. keep drawing from the source. keep encouraging. keep loving. keep believing.
because we have the source. we have the life. we have the hope. we have the love. it's daily there for us to choose it.
i see everyday as a gift and i have the choice to do with it what i please. i would rather please my Lord by worshiping Him wherever i go and in whatever i do.
like the energizer bunny it is so crucial to keep going. keep looking forward. keep hoping. keep dreaming. keep working. keep resting. keep drawing from the source. keep encouraging. keep loving. keep believing.
because we have the source. we have the life. we have the hope. we have the love. it's daily there for us to choose it.
i see everyday as a gift and i have the choice to do with it what i please. i would rather please my Lord by worshiping Him wherever i go and in whatever i do.
Friday, March 8, 2013
day 3
i forgot yesterday.. oops! 2 posts today! yeah!
Isaiah 61
God reminded me of this little gem of a chapter.. its something He has called all of us to do in one way or another in some area of our lives or even better, our entire lives. I am encouraged by the words that are God-breathed.. so here it goes....
the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon ME, for the Lord has anointed ME to bring good news to the poor. He has sent ME to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent ME to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies.
To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In THEIR righteousness, THEY will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. THEY will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. THEY will revive them, though THEY have been deserted for many generations. Foreigners will be YOUR servants. THEY will feed YOUR flocks and plow YOUR fields and tend YOUR vineyards.
YOU will be called priests of the Lord, ministers of OUR God. YOU will feed on the treasures of the nations and boast in their riches. Instead of shame and dishonor, YOU will enjoy a double share of honor. YOU will possess a double portion of prosperity in YOUR land, and everlasting joy will be YOURS.
For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward my people for their suffering and make an everlasting covenant with them. THEIR descendants will be recognized and honored among the nations. everyone will realize that THEY are a people the Lord has blessed.
I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord MY God! For He has dressed ME with the clothing of salvation and draped ME in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels. the Sovereign Lord will show His justice to the nations of the world. Everyone will praise Him! His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere.
Isaiah 61
God reminded me of this little gem of a chapter.. its something He has called all of us to do in one way or another in some area of our lives or even better, our entire lives. I am encouraged by the words that are God-breathed.. so here it goes....
the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon ME, for the Lord has anointed ME to bring good news to the poor. He has sent ME to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent ME to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies.
To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In THEIR righteousness, THEY will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. THEY will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. THEY will revive them, though THEY have been deserted for many generations. Foreigners will be YOUR servants. THEY will feed YOUR flocks and plow YOUR fields and tend YOUR vineyards.
YOU will be called priests of the Lord, ministers of OUR God. YOU will feed on the treasures of the nations and boast in their riches. Instead of shame and dishonor, YOU will enjoy a double share of honor. YOU will possess a double portion of prosperity in YOUR land, and everlasting joy will be YOURS.
For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward my people for their suffering and make an everlasting covenant with them. THEIR descendants will be recognized and honored among the nations. everyone will realize that THEY are a people the Lord has blessed.
I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord MY God! For He has dressed ME with the clothing of salvation and draped ME in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels. the Sovereign Lord will show His justice to the nations of the world. Everyone will praise Him! His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
day 2
multicultural indeed.. the nations are drawn to it!
A multicultural city, London has a diverse range of peoples and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries. The 2011 census revealed that around three quarters of Londoners were Britons and 60% of inhabitants were white, and that 45% of residents were white Britons, making them a minority in the city for the first time. London had an official population of 8,174,100, making it the most populous municipality in the European Union,and accounting for 12.5% of the UK population. The Greater London Urban Area is the second-largest in the EU with a population of 8,278,251, while the London metropolitan area is the largest in the EU with an estimated total population of between 12 million and 14 million.
A multicultural city, London has a diverse range of peoples and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken within its boundaries. The 2011 census revealed that around three quarters of Londoners were Britons and 60% of inhabitants were white, and that 45% of residents were white Britons, making them a minority in the city for the first time. London had an official population of 8,174,100, making it the most populous municipality in the European Union,and accounting for 12.5% of the UK population. The Greater London Urban Area is the second-largest in the EU with a population of 8,278,251, while the London metropolitan area is the largest in the EU with an estimated total population of between 12 million and 14 million.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
27 more days till the reminder that He has risen
sometimes i come to the point where im like.. ahhh! i have 20 things to do! so let me dabble and do a little bit of each but not get any fully done. which im totally okay with because i have learned to accept that about myself.. but at the same time i probably have 5 or 6 posts that are halfway finished.
let me just say that...
i have loved this season of peace and reflection and moving forward and not knowing what to expect for the next season..
the thing that keeps me going is the Word of God, what He has spoken to me, encouraging friends that are changing the world by following and being obedient to what God has spoken to them.
i have amazing people in my life and am so blessed by so much.
i am now back home in California and it has been refreshing to be here with the sunshine and Mexican food and the general warm fuzzies i get with being here from randoms.
London was hard! man! but it was really good. because some days i felt like it swallowed me up and spit me out. i know its good to go through hard stuff. the hard seasons are the best ones right? where we grow the most. at this time, i am choosing to be expectant and choosing to be positive with going back to London. i have invested in this city through my prayers and want to see change begin to take place, even just a little bit.
i am once again doing a post a day for 27 days because that is when Easter is :)
let me just say that...
i have loved this season of peace and reflection and moving forward and not knowing what to expect for the next season..
the thing that keeps me going is the Word of God, what He has spoken to me, encouraging friends that are changing the world by following and being obedient to what God has spoken to them.
i have amazing people in my life and am so blessed by so much.
i am now back home in California and it has been refreshing to be here with the sunshine and Mexican food and the general warm fuzzies i get with being here from randoms.
London was hard! man! but it was really good. because some days i felt like it swallowed me up and spit me out. i know its good to go through hard stuff. the hard seasons are the best ones right? where we grow the most. at this time, i am choosing to be expectant and choosing to be positive with going back to London. i have invested in this city through my prayers and want to see change begin to take place, even just a little bit.
i am once again doing a post a day for 27 days because that is when Easter is :)
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