When i return to London, I'll be doing ministry on Brick Lane in East London at a cafe church called Kahaila which has been opened for 9 months now.
Though, the vision started almost 5 years ago when Paul, Kahaila's Pastor came down to Brick Lane one Sunday morning and was amazed by what He saw. There is about 20,000 people that visit the area every Sunday because of the different markets. As he was walking up and down the street, he saw Muslims evangelizing and he saw people doing Tarot card readings. What really struck him was there was no Christian witness there, because as we all know on a Sunday morning, all Christians are in church.. He asked himself 'what would it look like to do church in a place like this.. the vast number of people that hang out on Brick Lane are in their 20's and 30's.. which is the dying generation of the church, which are the key people we need to be reaching out to. and he thought where are these people doing community.. then they thought cafe..when they want to share their lives together they hang out at cafe's. so they thought what if we planted a church in the form of a cafe on Brick Lane, a place where the community would happen and take place and at the center of the community there is this faith community that is building relationships alongside these people building community together and in that creating opportunities not just to share the gospel but to be the gospel to these people.
Pastor Paul then decided to leave the church he was working at and step out in faith to start this project of a cafe church which would require all of his time and energy. he went out on a limb and after 2 years of looking at different properties, they were finally able to get a property on Brick Lane and have had the cafe established and running since June. the people that come love to come in the cafe and have a place where they sense the love and community we all want to create. The point is to not only create a cafe but a place where people know what we stand for and what we are doing there, creating opportunities to listen to people and as we listen we build opportunities to build relationships with these people.
doing what we have always been told to do.. getting out of the church and getting into the community where the people are at.. instead of expecting them to come in to where were at.
Going to the LOST has always been my HEART and has always been my INTENTION...
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