Monday, May 12, 2014

in the land of pink houses and purple roofs

It is true. what you hear in the news about Ukraine is a stark contrast when you actually live here. They like their pink Pebto Bismol coloured houses and purple roofs that you can plainly see in a forest painted with green trees. They are a people that "keep calm and carry on" and for this reason alone, i have wanted to learn more about why they aren't reacting to such great injustices taking place in their own land. Come to think of it, maybe that is all they have ever known...

Leading me to a slightly in-depth study on 'what the heck is really going on in Ukraine'... it gives me great joy to let you know that a few missing pieces in my mind have finally come together as i ask the people themselves to bring clarity to a confused foreigner.

If you want to understand what is going on in Ukraine, you need to take a step back and understand what is going on in Eastern Europe or as some call it, "the former Soviet Union"... and let me answer a few important questions one confused individual might ask themselves...

When did Ukraine become its own Independent country? 1991.

When countries become independent from another country, isn't there usually a fight/war that happens to officially say they are independent? usually, yes

Why wasn't there a war when Ukraine gained its independence? Because Russia still had control over many things in Ukraine, including money, government and politics or so they say.

Now that Ukrainians are wanting to cling more to the West and wanting to separate themselves from Russia and it's pro-Russian elected officials, is this upsetting Russia and its stronghold over the land? of course.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing that Ukraine separatists are taking over cities in Ukraine, and holding illegal referendums? perhaps a good thing. Ukrainians need to make up their mind. They need to ask themselves, are they pro Russian or are they pro Ukrainian? although that doesn't change the fact that the referendums themselves are illegal and corrupt and most likely forced by Pro-Russians in the area.

they are fighting for their nation... and in a way... it is a good thing.. the Ukrainians are saying no more to political corruption ruled by Russia and no to dictators or pay outs instead of bringing a case to trial. is that how the judicial system should work? whoever can pay the judge more money wins the case? Up till now that is all it's ever been and all the country has ever known.

In a way, all of this coming out is Ukrainians taking a stand against Big Brother Russia and saying NO MORE BULLYING. and those that are Pro-Russian, need to make a choice.. Ukraine or Russia.

Are there other countries that Russia still has its thumb on strongly? of course, look at Belarus. It won't surprise me in the upcoming years, if something happens there as well. People know injustice when they see it, and they reach a point to say enough is enough as well.

What is something you can pray into regarding this issue?

-For those directly affected in Eastern Ukraine.

-Those living in these regions that have been directly affected by their towns being dangerous to live in and have had to move to refugee camps.

-For Aid to come to these regions as roads have been blocked to go into them and water and food is limited.

-For those still living in these regions who sleep on the floors for fear of being shot in cross fire.

your prayers matter and change things! God is here in Ukraine and it is amazing to partner with Him in the midst of brokenness!

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