Saturday, January 22, 2011

infection prevention

so one of my deliveries last week was quick and unexpected one was ready for it.. so my staff Bek, put on a glove halfway on just to catch the baby so it wouldn't slip off of the table. since her glove was only halfway on i took the baby from her and finished up the delivery. she told me after the delivery that she had put on a dirty glove on inside out..gross! Soon after the delivery, it was about time to leave so we all hopped on the daladala. Bek got her food and was eating happily. after she was finished, she licked each finger one by one. i looked at her with a disgusted face and said "i have a no licking finger policy after being in the labour room" she's like "oh yes. ha. your right...actually i dont remember washing my hands after that delivery..oops!

we are still improving in the area of infection prevention.

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