mwandege. a place..a hour out of Dar. it is here that i have been for the past 3 months. these pictures are mwandege...where we have made our home for awhile. it is a place that is quite remote and far from any sort of civilization. i believe our time from living so far from what i am used to has come to a close. our team found out that we were leaving this place 3 days before we actually left. we were supposed to stay here for another 3 months, but for the survival and sake and sanity of our team, we are moving.
We are moving to a place that would put us closer to the hospital and closer to the city. but were not just moving anywhere...were moving to a the midst of monks and nuns. they gave us one rule ... "you can have one beer maybe two..but please don't drink 5" i guess some catholics like their liquor. too bad this school has a no drinking policy.
living conditions of the monastery-
one word: AMAZING!
seriously. i never knew there was such a beautiful haven here in DAR! i will do a comparison so you fully understand of where we were at before and where we are at now.
-no a/c
-children yelling and screaming outside
your window
-sharing a room with 6 people
-top bunk
-people yelling muzungu(white person)
at you everywhere you go
-walked in pairs everywhere
we went
-we had to drive an hours ride into
Mbagala (bad city) squished on a daladala
to get internet
-bathroom that was shared with
10 people .. flooded most
of the time .. smelled of urine ..
werent allowed to use during the day
-we had base chores everyday room
-we cooked food over a fire outside
with little or no cooking supplies
-a classroom
-not allowed to boil water
-not allowed to refridgerate
-oppression and poverty mentality
-skirts below knees and shoulders
-2 hours from the city
-no screaming outside window
-sharing a room with one person
-my own bed!
-no one yells at us inside the
-we can walk by ourself on the campus
and its huge
-there is a sweet internet cafe on the
-private bathroom in room
-a maid comes in and cleans our room
-we have our own kitchen with a fully
supplied kitchen -a meeting hall with fans
-a large kettle
-peace and joy
-10 minutes from the city
-cheaper to stay
Although mwandege sounds pretty has its perks! we established and made great relationships with the people there. people that love and appreciate one another. that see the bright side out of life and what we think is a hard life.. is their life and thats all they know. we will be visiting Mwandege once a week to work at the clinic doing antenatal care and teachings.
the team and myself are incredibly blessed by what God has given us. we are not worthy of His love and His grace and yet He gives it freely and in abundance. we are so needy of His love and His embrace. God is glorified in what He has set before us.
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