Delivery #26
I did this delivery in a new location, Kapastanga. The hospital that we go take turns going to each week, 4 of us stay back while 2 of us go to a very small, more remote hospital that probably gets at the most 4 deliveries a week. But the week tiffany and I were there, they got 8 deliveries which is lots of babies from this tiny remote place. They were all girls except one!
I had the opportunity to do 3 deliveries before this mom delivered, but wanted Tiff to get a delivery in, then another delivery was a stressful situation which involved my hand getting pushed out of the way by the head nurse and quite chaotic, so I walked away from that delivery since they had 4 student nurses there who were fully capable of doing the delivery and another delivery but it was a still birth and I didn’t want to do a still birth since I haven’t done one yet and it really affects me, so tiff did it. the chord was wrapped 4 times around the neck and one time around the body. It was a beautiful baby girl who had only stopped bleeding the night before. It was hard to see the mom weeping afterwards while she was recovering.
After that delivery, I prayed over the delivery room and spoke life over the room and the bed that the women deliver on bc out of those 8 deliveries..2 babies didn’t make it.
The delivery that I did was midday and quite normal.. I was walking with the mother up and down the outside hallway when she was at 7cm to speed up the delivery.. when we did another VE an hour later, she should have been fully dilated, but wasn’t and the head was having a hard time descending even though she was in pushing mode and had been pushing for 20 minutes… so banuka who is the head nurse decided that she needed an episiotomy but told them it wasn’t time yet because the head was caput, and she wasn’t fully dilated yet.. but she wanted to give it anyways so she did and we waited for another 10 minutes .. gave her a cannula of 1000ml. saline with oxytocin 10 IUIV but they put it in wrong and her arm started swelling up .. they had put it in her muscle.. so they had to remove it and stick it in her other arm. This helps with speeding up delivery and give the mother strength to push. The head then began crowning.. once the head came out, I felt a chord around neck but it wasn’t too tight came out with chord a bit tangled around her but she was breathing and doing fine. It was a nice delivery and once we cut the chord, the baby started crying and was doing fine as well as the mother who had done well the entire delivery. The baby girl was beautiful.
Since she was given an episiotomy, I did a suture internally muscular and an outside stitch. It was a piece of cake after my first experience suturing with the crowd at Bollophur.
I got the name Amelia for her which means Industrious one and prayed over her that she would serve the Lord and know God. Colossians 3:23-24 ‘Whatever you do, work at it with all you heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.’
27th delivery
This was an unexpected delivery for me. I was up late one night and Amy was over at the hospital monitoring a mom and I went to go check on how she was doing before I went to bed.. she then told me that another mom had come in at 6 cm. and she was going to deliver soon. So either way I would have a delivery since there was 2 moms. She was only 4 cm at 2am, so I decided I would get some shut eye before she was fully dilated. I got woken up at 5:15am because she was fully dilated, so I went over to the hospital. She was doing well but had a really tight perineum and I was worried she was going to tear, I began stretching it and it took 20 minutes for the head to finally come out ... the babies heart rate was low and I didn’t want to but felt she should get an episiotomy bc the head wasn’t coming any farther out. Just as we were going to cut, the head began to come out and I stretched the perineum more as it came farther, then it finally popped out. The chord was wrapped around the neck twice so I needed to cut it and get the baby out as quickly as possible. We clamped and cut and I put the baby on the mom’s stomach.. it was small and frail and not doing well, it had an Apgar score of 1. It was pale, had no reflex, no muscle tone and no resps, only a faint heart beat. Amy did chest compressions and he was doing better at 5 minutes. He was weak but doing a lot better than before. Amy, Bek and I were praying the entire time and speaking life over the baby boy.
I checked on him an hour later and he was doing great. Good, healthy and beautiful, looking like a little monkey because he was a primi. I got the name Charlie for him which means ‘man of God’ and prayed that he would know God and put his trust in his eternal father. Psalm 73:28 “But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”
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