Delivery #28
This delivery was an interesting one. Jen and I got to Kapastanga (the other hospital we work at but its sometimes not as busy) and we started our busy day by doing ANC checks with the women. Palpating their bellies and checking the position of the baby, how many weeks they are, if they are having any problems and so on… an hour into working we heard there was a delivery… i went to check it out and the mother was fully dilated.. I went to tell Jen and see if she wanted to do a delivery and she said she did.. but 20 minutes later after Jen was coaching the mom through the contractions Jen felt faint and had to sit down. I was sitting on the bed behind the mom holding her up when Jen said she needed water. I went to get off the bed and the mom grabbed me and pulled me back not wanting me to leave so I was really torn but knew that Jen needed water so I went to get her water, came back and the head was coming out. I gave her water and the nurses were there supporting the baby’s head and Jen got up to pull out the rest of the body up and onto the mom and then had to go lay down bc she felt like she was going to faint. We found out later that Jen was dehydrated so I got someone to put up a drip in our room bc she wasn’t able to drink water. I finished the delivery and did baby and moms vitals.
Although I wasn’t able to pull the baby out, I was glad to be a part of the rest of the delivery and felt like I really connected with the mom and knew she appreciated my care as I saw her for the next two days and she would be so happy when I came to check on her and the baby. It was a baby boy and I got the name Christian for him!

Delivery #29
This delivery was late at night and the mom had chicken pox! I was falling asleep in our room next to the hospital when I heard a van pull up and commotion outside which usually means a woman has come who is ready to deliver. I went out and checked on her.. I did a VE and saw that she was 9 cm. so i counseled her through contractions and knew she was exhausted. Since its hard for men to see their wives in pain, they want something to be done as quick as possible to make it go away. So I heard the husband yelling from outside the room ‘C-ZAR!’ which means c-section wanting her to get a c-section which at this point she is too far along to get one since the head is already engaged into the pelvic cavity. Every time he yelled it louder she would push harder.
Her perineum was tight and the baby’s heart rate was dropping so it was necessary to do yet another episiotomy. After cutting, the head descended and came out quickly.
It was a cute baby boy and we got the name Eli and Alex for him which means Jehovah is God and helper of mankind. Psalm 83:18 ‘let them know that you, whose name is the Lord-that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.’
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