baby Hosea and mommy
Since our school is a year long, we just had a staff switch at the 6 month mark which was last week. 3 staff just left us, and 3 new staff joined us. im excited about the new staff and what they have already added to the team... creativity, energy and joy! all things our team is desperately needing.
it was our first full day with the new staff in the hospital and clinic yesterday. i was in the labour room and had the opportunity to do 2 deliveries! it was busy from the get go and wasn't planning on doing any deliveries but the babies had other plans. in the morning i was Celia's secondary. Her mother just delivered and i was doing all the check-ups on the baby when i looked over to my right and saw a baby crowning. i looked around to get a nurse and no one was in the room so i yelled for my new staff, Bek, to come assist me do a delivery. i had no gloves and there wasn't anything around except from Celia's mom who had just delivered so i grabbed those gloves and did the delivery. im pretty sure those are my favorite moments in the labour room, not knowing exactly whats going on but taking action despite the chaos around. the mother had a baby boy and i got the name Hosea, which means 'salvation'. so i pray for that babies salvation that it would grow up to know his Heavenly Father and cut off any strongholds over him.
baby Zaneta and mommy
we usually leave the hospital at 2 in the afternoon, and it was 1:40 while i was about to change when Louise poked her head in saying we had a delivery and Sister Hadija was alone. so i went out to see what was happening when i saw the head fully out. Sister Hadija walked away when she saw us because she didn't want to do the delivery but we weren't ready to catch the baby...Bek came over and we were putting gloves on when the baby popped out and Bek stabilized the baby with one glove half on so the baby wouldn't fall on the ground. i got my gloves on and grabbed the baby because Bek realized she put a dirty glove on that was inside out. ew. the mother delivered the baby at 1:45, placenta at 1:55, and was ready to go to Postnatal at 2! so she got up 5 minutes after delivering the placenta and walked over to Postnatal as i carried her baby over. we walk outside to get to Postnatal and so all the family and friends wait in . when i walked by with the mother and baby, all of her family walked closer to the ledge that separated us to catch a glimpse of the new baby. i held her up so they all could see and said 'Nzuri Mtoto!' which means 'very good little baby!' and they all smiled and laughed. i got the name Zaneta for her, which is the name of one of my good friends and i don't know the meaning of the name but i do know that she is an amazing person to name a baby after.
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