Monday, April 14, 2014

Partnering and Loving

are you looking for something to invest in monthly?
I am currently in a season of needing to receive more monthly donors since the government of the Netherlands has put stronger visa requirements on all non-Europeans. My ministry with women in sex trafficking and prostitution has been put on hold for the next 3 months because of this.
However, I am using my time out of the Schengen as an opportunity to see how our ministry in Western Europe can link with where the girls come from in eastern Europe. I am currently in eastern Europe (because of my visa i have to be out of the Schengen) and am working with orphan teenagers in Ukraine (where vulnerable girls can easily be trafficked from) and am also teaching English in Kiev (where the riots were a little under 2 months ago and over 100 people died) bringing Jesus in English class as we teach non-believers English through the Bible and bringing hope!
Proof in writing that I have sufficient resources is necessary for me to receive a work and resident permit. If you would like to be a donor, would you be willing to document your support by completing a pledge? I know that economic changes can change in the future, but your help now can make a significant difference in me being able to return to the Netherlands and continue doing ministry in the Red Light District.
if you are considering giving and wondering how..
-we can do automatic withdrawals
-we can do paypal
-we can do mailing checks
-we can do tax-deductible
send me an email at and i will give you more info. to move this forward.
Thanks for reading and your prayers as i have some fabulous prayer warriors out there and am always seeing God's hand in the midst of it all!